Absolutely, often times even better than Saturday events. Our Sunday picnics are generally held from 1:00 to 5:00. This timeslot has been very well attended by employees as it seems to offer a good flow for the day, allowing guests their Sunday morning rituals and afterwards enjoying a picnic with their family.
Picnic Master has developed a reputation for providing only fresh and delicious food. We are masters at serving large groups quickly and efficiently to avoid long lines. Check our Catering & Concessions page for a taste of what you can expect. We serve 100% Angus Beef Burgers & Dogs. Our “Famous Memphis Barbecue” is served chopped before your eyes with a secret sauce that will make your mouth water and your taste buds tingle. If you prefer to provide food service from within your organization or use an alternate caterer, we would be glad to offer a proposal covering everything else for your event.
This aspect of your event will “make it or break it”. Picnic Master has the largest inventory of fun entertainment equipment in our region of the country. The key to a successful picnic is having the proper mix of entertainment for adults and kids. Interactive games and contests will make the event memorable for all who attend. Whether you are participating or just watching, we guarantee you will be amused by watching your coworkers ride monster trikes, toss water balloons and who knows what else.
Mallary Tytel, president of Healthy Workplaces, a human resources consulting firm based in Bolton, Connecticut says; The picnic is a way to support workplace morale, relationship-building and retention. "In times of uncertainty, it is particularly important to maintain corporate routines and rituals whenever possible", she says. "That's why more and more companies recognize that the company picnic is part of the organizational fabric, and that the return on investment is less tangible but more critical than a line item in the budget". While many feel-good perks have been dropped in recent years, company picnics have survived and thrived, free of the intense bottom-line scrutiny applied to other employee rewards. In many cases, companies have instituted their first picnics in the last couple of years, and none of the workplace experts consulted for this story knew of any companies that have stopped having them, nor would they dismiss them as passé. Companies seem determined to not let the tradition fall by the wayside, arguing that their value, while not measurable, is real.
Albert A. Vicere, professor of strategic leadership at Pennsylvania State University's Smeal College of Business Administration, believes that the main value of picnics lies in the connection-building opportunities they provide. "In today's business environment, we work far more in ad hoc teams than in formal structures. We rely on colleagues for help, information and support", he says. "Picnics facilitate the development of such social networks. Effective teamwork is much easier when you have met and gotten to know the person you'll be working with." People come alive in the sunshine, with the smell of barbecue and the sounds of summer playing from the speakers.... The picnic lets them know their hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated. Many human resource departments are looking for ways to boost morale. Work productivity and efficiency is not something enhanced only by more work, but also by fun and entertaining activities. The productivity demands of companies are rising, while employee morale is falling. The company picnic is a beloved tradition at many firms. A well organized company picnic with planned activities can improve or develop employee relationships, boost morale and create lasting memories.
Promotion of your picnic to employees is critical to ensure your optimum attendance. We will send full-color promotional posters, customized for your event. Detailed posters at various locations around your facility will assist in building enthusiasm and promoting your event.
Based on our experience, we have found the further away from your facility the picnic is held, the more your attendance declines. Your maximum attendance is generally attained when the event is held at your facility, often time incorporating plant tours for family members. We can assist you in finding the right spot to accommodate all of your needs, whether at your site or a local park. When a company has its annual picnic at a large water park or venue of this nature, families often venture on their own and the event loses its objective which is to improve employee relationships outside of the workplace and create unity in your workforce. A Picnic Master event enables everyone to congregate and fellowship in a localized space where relationships are developed and enriched. Our interactive game shows for employees and their families create lasting memories for all that attend – a true sense of “Team Building”.
Our professional and courteous staff will assist your guests with all activities, games, and food service. They will arrive with a “can do” attitude and they will supervise the entire event from set up to clean up at the end of the day. The team will be dressed in colorful Picnic Master logo attire.